Here's the email message received from the School Administration in the Batticaloa District:

Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 8:35 AM
Subject: Provision of school stationeries for flood affected school children in the Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka

President, Canadian Tamil Aid/ Tamil Catholic Community
19 Callowhill Avenue,
Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B4H5, Canada

Provision of school stationeries for flood affected school children in the Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka

Further to our mail dated 3rd February   2011 regarding supply of School stationary to flood affected students, we are forwarding herewith the final narrative report with the financial statement, the details of items supplied and number of students benefited through your financial contribution to the above supply of school stationary.  We also attach some photographs relating the above activities.

We have completed the    supply of relief items and some school stationary as the 1st phase of the relief and Rehabilitation Programme for flood victims. Now action is being taking for Rehabilitation activities in the 2nd phase of the above programme that is presently needed for the flood affected people in the districts. It is mainly focus on temporary / Semi permanent sheds and livelihood restoration to restart their livelihood activities that was already destroyed by the flood.   

We are grateful on behalf of the affected students in Batticaloa District for the generosity and solidarity shown by You, Canadian Tamil Aid and Tamil Catholic Community, Toronto, Canada   to this assistance to assist the affected students with school stationary in the 1st phase of the above programme.

We   always welcome and expect the benefactors to help us in their possible ways to assist the affected people with shelter and livelihood activities under the 2nd phase of the programme as they contributed for the 1st phase of the Relief and Rehabilitation programme.

Thanking You

With Kind Regards

Rev. Fr. Prof. T. Sritharan Sylvester                                                               P. Punniyamoorthy
Director, Caritas EHED, Batticaloa                                                               Finance Manager 

Stationary Distribution
Stationary Distribution
Narrative_Report - Flood
Narrative_Report - Flood