Emergency help for displaced people of Vanni,
IDP camps, Vavuniya

Proponent:     Rev. Fr. C. G. Jeyakumar
   HUDEC - CARITAS -Caritas Jaffna

Implementing organisation:
Caritas Jaffna HUDEC
(Human Development Centre)
P.O.Box 2
Bishop's House
Sri Lanka

Phone No.(+94) 021-222 2571, 222 7314
Fax:       .(+94) 021-222 3877
Email:    hudec@sltnet.lk

Location:Vavuniya District

Beneficiaries:Displaced people of Vanni at, Vavuniya.

No. of Beneficiaries:10,000

Human Development Centre - Caritas Jaffna
The Social arm of the Catholic Church in the Jaffna Diocese
Registered : Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Sri Lanka (Incorporation) ACT No.17 of 1983

HUDEC - CARITAS is a partner of Caritas – Sri Lanka, supported and monitored by SEDEC (Social Development Centre) based in Colombo functioning under the Bishops’ conference.

HUDEC Caritas in the Jaffna Diocese carry out relief & rehabilitation programs for displaced people, Mobile medical Services in rural areas, pre-school education, assisting children in formal, non-formal education, Higher education, tsunami permanent house construction, Livelihood development, Psychosocial programmers for children, working with differently able children, Self-employment and empowerment of woman, Farmers and Fishermen and awareness programs in Child rights, human rights and training programs for youth and women.

General situation:

Due to the heavy battle in the area of Vanni all the people in the Vanni area displaced and living as displaced in Jaffna and Vavuniya district.

More than 256,287 displaced people are accommodated in  29 camps in Vavuniya and very congested. People fled the conflict zone on foot and empty handed.  They are in need of nutritional food, drinking water, sanitation facilities, clothing and proper shelters.  2,317 persons are admitted in various hospitals.  (Mannar Hospital – 1,539 patients, Anuradapura Padaviya Hospital – 413 patients, Pollenaruwa hospital -83 patients,  Colombo National hospital – 57 patients, Kandy hospital – 29 patients, Magaragama – 1 Patients.)  1,537 mentally handicapped and elders were sent with their relatives.

In the Manik Farm in 6 different Zones 216,361 persons are accommodated.
Apart from these 11,086 persons in 11 camps in Jaffna District, 6,892 in Trincomalee camps, 398 in Mannar camps.

HUDEC Caritas Jaffna is providing supplementary food for 11,000 IDPs in 12 camps in the Jaffna district everyday.

Office of HUDEC Caritas at Vavuniya

HUDEC Caritas established an office at Cheddikulam, Vavuniya to cater the IDP in Manik Zone 4, Vavuniya.  Rev.Fr. Canisius is in charge for this office.

Staff officers for this sub-office at Cheddikulam will be recruited. A small ware house will be set up in the office premises.

Displaced people living in Menik Zone 4

There is an urgent need for Supplementary food for the IDPs accommodated in the Cheddikulam  Menik Zone.  HUDEC Caritas Jaffna has priests and nuns came out from Vanni who are presently in Vavuniya and closely working in the IDP camps.

10,000 IDPs from Cheddikulam camp would be provided complementary food by HUDEC Caritas.
Coordination with other INGO & Caritas Mannar

HUDEC Caritas will have a close coordination with Caritas Mannar Valvothayam who presently working in the Cheddikulam camp and other INGOs such as WFP, ZOA and govt. sector in providing Supplementary food for the IDPs.

WFP is supporting their dry ration issues (Rice, Dhal, Sugar, Flour & Veg. oil) to all the camps.

HUDEC Caritas got the approval from Govt. Agent (GA) to implement this programme.


Beneficiaries:  IDPs from Vanni in Jaffna & Vavuniya camps


1.Subsidiary food items:

  Subsidiary food items were issued from February 13th to April 31st to 2,021 families in 8 camps in the Jaffna district.

  Presently subsidiary food items issued daily to 11,130 displaced persons in 12 camps in the Jaffna district.

  Subsidiary food items are issued daily to 322 ID school students studying at Kaithady Muthukumarasy School and
  Kodikamam IDP School.

2.Clothes were provided to 1,123 families in 3 camps (Mirusuvil, Kodikamam, Kaithdy PRI B camp & Nelliyady)
   in the Jaffna district.

3.Individual Cadjan temporary shelters were put up for the 67 displaced families in Kaithday PRI B camp in the Jaffna district.

4.Shoes were provided to 84 students in Kopay camp in the Jaffna district in March 2009.

5.Furniture (71 numbers of Table & Chair B type) were provided to students in Kaithady camp.

6.Provided 1,459 plates to the IDP school students studying at Kaithady Muthukumarasmy School.


7.Provided Morning meal (Buns) to 10,000 displaced people in the Cheddikulam Zone-4   for fifteen days from 22nd June 2009.

8.Arrangements are made to provide Subsidiary food items to 10,000 people in Menik Zone 4, Cheddikulam camp for the months of June & July.

Further Needs identified by Caritas HUDEC

1.Subsidiary food items needs to be provided to 10,000 IDPs at Vavuniya camps.
2.Clothes for children and women.
3.Mobile medical assistance needed for 25,000 IDPs.

Budget - Supplementary food  for IDP Camps, Vavuniya


Budget Code    DESCRIPTION     RationRationNo. of    Quantity required  No. Of   Unit of               Unit
  Per Family                                 Per Person   duration    beneficiaries  per month       Months        Purchase           Price   TOTAL


  1.1 Vegetables100 g          18 days  18,000 Kg 1 Kg         156          2,808,000
  1.2            Eggs115 g13 days  14,950 Kg          1 Kg         254          3,797,300
  1.3  Spices              2,625 Kg          1 Kg         182             477,750
  1.4           Coconuts  1 for 10        30 days            30,000 Nos       1        each         34          1,020,000
  2.1  IDP camps                     60 Trip         2           4,000             240,000

Sub Total for Food items                    8,343,050
ADMIN COST 2%                  166,861
Grand Total                  8,509,911

URGENT Requirement of Vehicle

HUDEC Caritas lost all the vehicles in Vanni except on pick-up and for the purchasing and distribution there is an urgent need for a Canter.

Reporting and Accounting

HUDEC Caritas Jaffna is responsible for the reporting and accounting.  At the completion of the project accounts statement will be submitted to the funding partner.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

HUDEC Caritas Jaffna8th June 2009